Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Four months away!

While ago I posted a list of 15 things I want to do before I turn 30 - in November. I thought I'd give a little progress report of how I'm doing! :)

1. Lose weight - more specifically; ALL the weight I need to reach my ideal weight. I'm working out more, and just completed my first 5k!
2. Go on a missions trip - Complete!!! Haiti was a wonderful experience. Can't believe it's been over a year!
3. Go on a cruise - And it was fabulous! I'd love to go on another one -- soon!
4. Take care of my debt - Still working on this one...
5. Swim with dolphins - Well, I didn't get to swim, but I did play with one!
6. Go to Boston - My favorite city in the world! I absolutely fell in love with the entire atmosphere!
7. See the Red Sox play at Fenway. - Yup... sang "Sweet Caroline" in the middle of the 8th inning and everything!
8. Meet the currently faceless man of my dreams. - Well... God hasn't brought him my way yet. Keep praying. :)
9. Learn to play the piano. - I'm currently calling a couple of people about lessons. Hopefully will start soon!
10. Grow in my relationship with God. - It's better... need to keep daily in the Word and prayer and make healthy choices for my spiritual life.
11. Improve the relationship with my parents. - I talk to my mom every day. My dad is another story...
12. Become a better communicator. - Well...
13. Stop sweating the petty stuff. - I'm going to prayer about more things, but it's always a challenge.
14. Broaden my culture horizons - Haiti definitely did this!!! I'm trying to get better about finding things locally as well, but my random event planner has felt the need to move to Wichita - whatever to her. ;)
15. Read the entire Bible. - I started and got bored in the OT... just found an intense reading where you can read through the Bible in 90 days on youversion.com, so working on that.

1 comment:

Bridawg said...

Well done on all that - and on kicking in the reading. Took me until 33 to read the whole bible. I did meet my wife 4 days before her 30th birthday though - plenty of time for you!