Saturday, September 15, 2007


Wow... six years. I can't believe it's been six years already. As I was driving to work today, I was replaying the day in my head. I wasn't working at the time, so I was sitting at home with my mom. My grandpa calls freaking out, telling my mom to turn on the news. We were probably watching some lame movie on Lifetime if I know my mom. :)

Like most people, I can remember the images on tv, the sound of Dan Rather's voice giving us updates... Many wrote songs about the event -- I think Alan Jackson said it best in "Where were you..." As my family, and many others, prepares for our loved ones to go to Iraq, my eyes tear up thinking about those who will never see their loved ones again, who lost their lives in the tragic events.

My prayer for America today is that we take some time to stop and pray for our soldiers. Retired, active, lost at war... they're giving their lives for us. They're giving the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Thank you to all of our soldiers.

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